
Ransomware Prevention and Mitigation with Bitdefender ...

GravityZone monitors running processes in real time—registry key modifications, file reads/writes, encryption action—to identify suspicious or malicious ...

Ransomware Mitigation

A malware-based cyber attack to encrypt and lock you out of your computer or blocks access to your files and applications. The Ransomware attackers will demand ...

The new Ransomware Remediation feature in Bitdefender

The Ransomware Remediation feature identifies whenever a new ransomware attempts to encrypt files and will automatically create a backup of targeted files that ...

GravityZone Anti-Ransomware

GravityZone's best-in-class anti-ransomware security solutions use advanced layered machine-learning algorithms for ransomware protection and mitigation.

Ransomware Mitigation

2024年6月25日 — Locally - GravityZone monitors the processes and detects ransomware attacks initiated locally on the endpoint. It is recommended for ...

What is Bitdefender Ransomware Remediation?

An overview of Bitdefender's Ransomware Remediation feature that blocks ransomware attacks and restores the content of your encrypted files.

Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security

Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security. Top-tier ransomware and advanced threat protection that's user-friendly and offers complete visibility and precise ...

GravityZone Small Business Security

GravityZone detects and blocks abnormal encryption attempts, whether the ransomware is known or new, and restores files from backup copies to their original ...

Protecting against ransomware

2024年4月2日 — Ransomware is a malicious software designed to block access to computer until a sum of money is paid to the attacker. Some of the most notable ...


GravityZonemonitorsrunningprocessesinrealtime—registrykeymodifications,filereads/writes,encryptionaction—toidentifysuspiciousormalicious ...,Amalware-basedcyberattacktoencryptandlockyououtofyourcomputerorblocksaccesstoyourfilesandapplications.TheRansomwareattackerswilldemand ...,TheRansomwareRemediationfeatureidentifieswheneveranewransomwareattemptstoencryptfilesandwillautomaticallycreateaback...